Hide control buttons from recording
Can we work out how to hide both the video controls (play pause restart, timer etc) and the camera controls (size and shape/camera off toggle button) so that they aren't actually visible on the recording playback?
Can they be floating on top of the recorded area, visible during recording for the Caster, but not ON the recorded video itself??? It looks a bit unpolished that you can see when the recorder/Caster toggles controls etc. and it also obscures the screen behind those controls.
John Pritchett
John Pritchett
Thanks Sonj.. Ill enquire if we can achieve this using a window only.. I dont this so however... Everything else you mention here is planned.
John Pritchett
Hey Sonj... This isn't possible actually... The recorder simply records the 'screen' and anything on it... What we can do however, is minimise the controls or make the disappear all together.. This function is in the plans...