SPLASH PAGE - Embed 3rd Party CTA/Forms/Code
under review
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Committed By
Abbot (Willing to endorse this feature - verbally TBC)
Problem Statement
Elevate splash pages provide basic analytics that will apply to a B2C audience. However B2B clients usually have marketing tools of their own which include Google Analytics, Act-on, etc. This form of integration is important for B2B clients as they have already have an entire marketing workflow developed and integration with this will likely be one of the key purchasing points. The current splash page does not have such a component that will allow such integration.
Not To Be Confused With
Solutions / Features
1) As a workspace admin, I would like to to embed NON-VISIBLE 3rd party analytics/tracking code onto the splash page, so that I can use my own analytics system to track my Elevates. (e.g. Google Analytics Embed Code)
2) As a workspace admin, I would like to to embed VISIBLE 3rd party CTAs/FORMs/OrSimilar onto the splash page, so that I can use my own analytics system to track my Elevates. (e.g. Act-on https://connect.act-on.com/hc/en-us/articles/360023756694-Placing-the-Code-for-an-Act-On-Form-on-Your-Website)
under review