Liked By
Rezdy AU, Shootsta
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Problem Statement
Workspace admins (Purchase makers) need proper overview on the traction of Elevate, and other useful insights, so that they can justify ROI and continued subscription of Elevate.
Not To Be Confused With
WORKSPACE STATS - Per video statistics
Solutions / Features
1) (Quick win?) As a WS admin, I would like to see the "Total Workspace Videos" instead of “filter ranking by” on the leaderboard so that I can easily understand how much value I am getting.
2) As a WS admin, I would like to have a comprehensive dashboard of workspace statistics on Mobile or on Web, so that I can gain insights, steer my organisation's content creation and evaluate my ROI on Elevate.
3) As a WS admin, I would like the Workspace Statistics to show Total Users, Total Videos Created, Total Shares, Total Templates and Average No. Of Videos Created Per Day so that I can better understand my ROI on Elevate.
4) (TBC) As a WS admin, I would like the Workspace Statistics to show me a Regional overview, of where my videos are being watched or shared the most.
5) (TBC) As a WS admin, I would like the Workspace Statistics to show me a Per-Template overview on which template has the most shares, or most number of videos, so that I can understand how it that template is making an impact.
5) (TBC) As a WS admin, I would like the Workspace Statistics to display a histogram of the number of videos created vs. number of shares, so that I can draw a correlation between events within and outside of Elevate.