Hi! Over time I've had to field a lot of questions from clients who are confused as to how to submit comments on Completed videos that they're looking to reopen for editing.
The View Completed Video page for a project can accept comments, which clients tend to view as meaning this is the page where they can submit any change requests they require for a video in order to send it back to the Production Team. However, these comments are restricted specifically to this page, and do not transfer over to the Request Changes page which is where clients can make comments to submit to Production. This results in clients often marking up their comments on the View Completed Video page, only to find out that they can't be passed on to Production, meaning they have to mark up all their comments again on the Request Changes page. This can be very tedious if they've made a lot of comments already.
Is there any way to make it so that the comments between the View Completed Video page can transfer to the Request Changes page rather than being two totally separate sets of comments? Or to have commenting on the View Completed Video page removed? If those aren't possible, it'd be great to at least have instructions on how commenting on the View Completed Video page works in order to clarify the situation and reduce the chance of users accidentally leaving comments they'll just have to leave again.